1592015820 User manual IC260_261L_D DUO FW1.9 rel. 1.0
Pag. 87 of 149
The sanitary hot water production is enabled when the machine is switched on and disabled if the machine is
The Ichill has to be configured for the proportional regulation (St11=0) and not in neutral zone.
In case of machine with valve 1 and valve 2 in gas circuit and cooling and sanitary water active at the same
time, the number of compressors to use is determined by CO78 parameter.
Two temperature probes need to be configured when the function is enabled:
Probe 1: it is used to determine the temperature of the sanitary water
Probe 2: it can be used to stop the sanitary water production for high temperature. As an alternative to
Probe 2 it is possible ti choose another probe setting FS48 parameter.
Configurable proportional band and set-point are used to regulate the production of sanitary water; when the
sanitary water function is enabled, you will see
symbol lighted on the display.
The production of sanitary water can only be requested when the temperature detected by Probe n°1 is
below the FS03 set-point – band FS04; all the compressors are called into action when the function is
The sanitary water set-point can be viewed and modified on the display by pressing the SET button.
It is possible to set a minimum temperature under which the sanitary water heaters are switched on (low
temperature protection).
It is possible to use a second sanitary water set point by time schedule (parameters ES19..ES33, internal
clock is necessary) or by digital input (opportunely configured).
Inside the time band or when the digital input is active, to the set point is applied an offset determined by
ES32 parameter and the new differential is ES33.
Compressors regulation:
the compressors are switched on when sanitary temperature < FS03 (sanitary water
set point) – FS04 (proportional band); all the compressors are switched on with a delay of CO03
seconds each other
the proportional band is divided by the number of compressors; at every step
(proportional band/number of compressors) a compressor will be switched on
Example for machine with 3 compressors