Dell SonicWALL Secure Mobile Access 8.5
Administration Guide
40 Does the SMA/SRA appliance support printer mapping?
: Yes, this is supported with the ActiveX-based RDP client only. The Microsoft Terminal Server
RDP connector must be enabled first for this to work. You might need to install the correct printer driver
software on the Terminal Server you are accessing.
41 Can I integrate the SMA/SRA appliance with wireless?
Yes, refer to the
Dell SonicWALL Secure Wireless Networks Integrated Solutions Guide
42 Can I manage the appliance on any interface IP address of the SMA/SRA appliance?
Yes, you can manage on any of the interface IP addresses.
43 Can I allow only certain Active Directory users access to log in to the SMA/SRA appliance?
: Yes. On the
Users > Local Groups
page, edit a group belonging to the Active Directory domain
used for authentication and add one or more AD Groups under the
AD Groups
44 Does the HTTP(S) proxy support the full version of Outlook Web Access (OWA Premium)?
: Yes.
45 Why are my RDP sessions dropping frequently?
Try adjusting the session and connection timeouts on both the SMA/SRA appliance and any
appliance that sits between the endpoint client and the destination server. If the SMA/SRA appliance is
behind a firewall, adjust the TCP timeout upwards and enable fragmentation.
46 Can I create my own services for bookmarks rather than the services provided in the bookmarks section?
: This is not supported in the current release of software but could be supported in a future
software release.
47 Why can’t I see all the servers on my network with the File Shares component?
: The CIFS browsing protocol is limited by the server's buffer size for browse lists. These browse
lists contain the names of the hosts in a workgroup or the shares exported by a host. The buffer size
depends on the server software. Windows personal firewall has been known to cause some issues with
file sharing even when it is stated to allow such access. If possible, try disabling such software on either
side and then test again.
48 What port is the SMA/SRA appliance using for the Radius traffic?
: It uses port 1812.
49 Do the SMA/SRA appliances support the ability for the same user account to login simultaneously?
Yes. On the portal layout, you can enable or disable ‘Enforce login uniqueness’ option. If this
box is unchecked, users can log in simultaneously with the same username and password.
50 Does the SMA/SRA appliance support NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication?
: No.
51 I cannot connect to a web server when Windows Authentication is enabled. I get the following error
message when I try that: ‘It appears that the target web server is using an unsupported HTTP(S)
authentication scheme through the SMA/SRA that currently supports only basic and digest authentication
schemes. Contact the administrator for further assistance.’ - why?
In SRA 3.5 and earlier releases, the HTTP proxy does not support Windows Authentication
(formerly called NTLM). Only basic authentication is supported.
52 Why do Java Services, such as Telnet or SSH, not work through a proxy server?
: When the Java Service is started it does not use the proxy server. Transactions are done directly
to the SMA/SRA appliance.
53 How are the F1-F12 keys handled in the Java-based SSHv1 and Telnet proxies?
: The Telnet server must support function keys. If it does, the keyboard used is relevant.
Currently, the Telnet proxy uses vt320 and the SSHv1 proxy uses vt100 key codes. This is the default and