The above mentioned components, except the NYM04.1-5PW-NNNN-
NY4125, are UL recognized (Underwriters Laboraties Inc. ®). You can find
the evidence of certification on the internet address
"Certifications" by entering the file number of the "Company Name ":
Fig. 3-2:
UL recognized
The above mentioned modules are certified according to:
UL 61010-1:2012
UL file no. E353498
However, there can exist combinations with modules or accessories with
limited or missing certification. Therefore, verify the registration according to
the UL marking on the device.
Loss of UL conformity due to changes to the component.
The UL marking is only valid for the component in its delivery
status. After any modification by the customer to the component
the UL compliance is to be verified.
Loss of UL conformity due to assembly with not UL compliant
The UL marking is only valid for an assembly if all components
used in the assembly are UL compliant.
Fig. 3-3:
China RoHS 2 marking
The above mentioned components, comply with the requirements of the
Administrative Measures for the Restriction of the Use of Hazardous
Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products, known as China RoHS 2.
Important Directions for Use
NYCe 4000 Multi-axis motion control system Hardware Sys‐
tem Manual
Bosch Rexroth AG R911337671_Edition 18