100 nF
[See Note 3]
[See Note 3]
[See Note 2]
[See Note 4]
24 Volt
[See Note 1]
Bundle of geographical
“close” loads, with own
return current path
[See Note 5]
Fig. 10-13:
DigOut0 and DigOut1
The second group (DigOut2 and DigOut3) is schematically the same.
1. Follow the following cabling instructions:
Shielded cable is recommended, but not mandatory.
If shielded cable is used, the shielding on the NYCe 4000 side of
the cable must be connected to Shield (house connector).
Connect the other side to a convenient metal part or leave it open,
The digital I/O may be associated with more than one power
supply, and/or the cable may contain more than one minus for
power supply. If this is the case and if the cable is unshielded,
connect at least one of the minus wires of each power supply to
Shield (house connector).
2. Connect the minus of the I/O power to the housing and/or safety earth (if
this is not already the case).
3. Connect the NYCe 4000, a power supply or other equipment on a metal
frame or mounting base and make sure there is a galvanic contact.
4. A fuse must be installed between the +24 V power supply and 24V_DIO
on the node. The fuse is mandatory by safety regulations and must be
UL recognized. See NYCe 4000 Standard Housings and Accessories
manual for detailed information about fuses.
5. If the load represents a high impedance input, you must use an external
pull down resistor to meet the minimum specified output current through
the switch.
NYCe 4000 Multi-axis motion control system Hardware Sys‐
tem Manual
NY4130: DC Drive Module
R911337671_Edition 18 Bosch Rexroth AG