> D
> GB
> F
> I
> E
> PL
> CZ
> H
> RU
The Navigation device constantly checks
whether there are any relevant announce-
ments for the route that has been set. All
traffic problems that have been received
are shown on the map.
If the continuous checks determine that a
traffic announcement is relevant to route
guidance, the unit can automatically re-
calculate a new route to the destination
(See “The TMC button” on page 63.)
Displaying TMC messages on the map
Current TMC messages are displayed on
the map graphically. Sections of the route
where there are traffic problems are high-
lighted blue. Arrows indicating the traffic
direction which is affected by the traffic
problem continue to be displayed.
In addition to the coloured mark, a warn-
ing sign is displayed on the stretch of road
Using TMC
When the Navigation device has been at-
tached to the carrier plate (power supply
with the integrated TMC antenna con-
nected), your Navigation device will re-
ceive up-to-date traffic announcements. It
is then possible to calculate dynamic
routes (traffic jam diversion).
You can also view traffic announcements
Settings for TMC can be made as de-
scribed under “The TMC button” on
page 63.
In the main menu, press
The map overview appears
As the traffic announcements are trans-
mitted by radio stations, we cannot as-
sume responsibility for the completeness
or accuracy of the announcements.
The location and event code was
made available by ASFINAG and BM-