> D
> GB
> F
> I
> E
> PL
> CZ
> H
> RU
In the input menu, select the first letters
of the entry you are looking for.
Press the
button when the name
you want is displayed in the upper line.
If there are 5 or less entries with the letter
combination entered available in the
phonebook, a list is automatically dis-
played with these entries.
Select the desired entry in the list.
If there is more than one phone number
available for the entry selected, you may
then select the respective number.
The different numbers are indicated by
Select the phone number you want.
The Navigation device then attempts to
establish a connection to the phone
number selected. You can find out how to
continue operation in "Telephone calls"
on page 109.
• For example, if you entered the letters
“M” and “I”, the entries are displayed
whose last names or first names start
with “MI”. That means, “
ller John”
or “Bauer
• You may enter the first letter of the last
name and then enter the first letter of
the first name separately using a space
(button ).
You may also first have a list displayed
that corresponds to the letter combina-
tion entered. In the input menu, press the
button for this.
Private phone number
Business phone number
Cell phone number