FORM 160.79-O3
ISSUE DATE: 11/09/2018
Dual Compressor Operation
Surge Window Time
When the lag compressor is started, this value counts
up from 1 minute to the time programmed as the
COUNT WINDOW Setpoint. When it reaches a count
equal to the COUNT WINDOW setpoint, it doesn’t in-
crement anymore and the number of dual compressor
surge events in the oldest minute is discarded and the
number of dual–compressor surge events in the most
recent minute are added, thus providing a rolling count
of the total dual-compressor surge events that have oc-
curred within the last number of minutes displayed as
the SURGE WINDOW TIME. This value is reset when
one or both compressors have shutdown.
urge Window Count
Displays the number of dual-compressor surge events
that have occurred in the last 15 to 120 minutes (as
programmed with the COUNT WINDOW setpoint). If
the lag compressor has been running for less than the
COUNT WINDOW setpoint minutes, it is the number
of dual-compressor surge events that have occurred
within the last number of minutes displayed as the
SURGE WINDOW TIME. The count is cleared when
the one or both compressors have shutdown.
Total Surge Count
Displays the total number of dual-compressor surge
events detected over the lifetime of the chiller.
Surge Detected
Illuminates for 5 seconds each time a dual-compressor
surge is detected.
Lead Compressor
Identifies the compressor that has been assigned as the
lead compressor.
Lead % Full Load Amps
Displays the motor current of the lead compressor as
a percentage of the full load amps of that compressor
Lead PRV Position
Displays the position of the lead compressor pre-rota-
tion vanes.
Lead Variable Geometry Diffuser Position
Displays the position of the lead compressor Variable
Geometry Diffuser.
Lag % Full Load Amps
Displays the motor current of the lag compressor as
a percentage of the full load amps of that compressor
Lag PRV Position
Displays the position of the lag compressor pre-rota-
tion vanes.
Lag Variable Geometry Diffuser Position
Displays the position of the lag compressor Variable
Geometry Diffuser
Access Level required: VIEW
Causes an instant return to the Home Screen
Access Level Required: VIEW
Causes an instant return to the Compressor Screen.
Single Compressor Setup
Access Level Required: VIEW
Moves to a subscreen that allows viewing and pro-
gramming of the surge protection applied when only
one compressor is running.
Dual Compressor Setup
Access Level Required: VIEW
Moves to a subscreen that allows viewing and pro-
gramming of the surge protection applied when both
compressors are running.