Empty the Used Abrasive Buckets
Next, you will empty the Used Abrasive from the collection system. During cutting, Abrasive is
constantly being introduced into the Jet. To prevent accumulation on the bottom of the Tank, the
Used Abrasive is constantly collected and routed into two Used Abrasive Buckets located at the
front of WAZER.
You must empty both Used Abrasive Buckets before every Cut.
To empty the Used Abrasive Buckets:
Remove the Front Tank Cover.
Rotate the handles upwards and pull the Used Abrasive Buckets out of their retainers.
Dump the Used Abrasive into a container to await final disposal.
We suggest you first pour
excess water out of the Used Abrasive Buckets; the collected Used Abrasive will have settled at
the bottom.
Replace the Front Tank Cover.
You should feel it fall into place if installed correctly. You will
also see the front of the handles sticking out beneath the front lip of the Front Tank Cover when
correctly installed.
Confirm task completion by pressing “OK” on the Control Panel.
Not all the Used Abrasive will be collected from the Tank and there will always be a few pounds
that accumulate and remain in the Tank. This is not a concern. With that said, excess abrasive
at the bottom of your tank can result in the Collection system getting clogged. Therefore we
encourage running a Tank Cleaning Cycle in the following situations:- After cuts and before turning
off your WAZER for a few days in order to collect the excess Used Abrasive . This will make sure
the abrasive pickup ports are cleared and abrasive won’t compact down on them, clogging the
system up.
After your WAZER has been sitting for a set of days and before its next cut. This will loosen the
excess abrasive at the bottom of your tank and in the collection ports, making the collection
system more effective during cutting.
For your first cut you do not need to worry about
this step, but going forward we highly suggest doing
the Tank Cleaning Maintenance regularly. The
details of conducting this procedure is found in
Section 7: Maintenance.
Replacing the Used Abrasive Buckets is sometimes
tricky, here are two techniques to help:
Push the Used Abrasive Buckets down into their
retainers to fill with water, so they do not float.
The metal handles double as a locking mechanism
to hold the buckets down. Rotate the handles so that they are straight up, push the Used
Abrasive Buckets all the way down, and rotate the handle forward. The hooks on the handle
should engage with the Tank and keep it down while it fills.
You may realize the Used Abrasive Buckets sometimes cannot be fully pushed down into their
retainers. This is because Used Abrasive has collected in the area under them. Simply clear this
out with your hand (using gloves as sharp scraps from your cuts may exist) and then replace the
Used Abrasive Buckets. If this happens, it may be time to do an additional Tank Cleaning Cycle
through the Setup & Maintenance menu after your next Cut.
Failing to empty the Used Abrasive Buckets between Cuts will result in your Filtration System
becoming clogged over time.
The amount of time and work required to unclog the system is
significantly greater than simply staying on top of regularly emptying your Used Abrasive Buckets
and being diligent in performing tank cleaning cycles between cuts.
Dispose of Used Abrasive properly.
The abrasive is inert, so it can be handled as a non-hazardous
material and thrown away as garbage waste. However, it is your responsibility to check with your
local regulations and requirements to make sure there are no restrictions around the materials
you are cutting.
Bacteria can build up in the standing water of the Tank. Any injuries or cuts,
even minor ones, should be treated with caution. If you have open wounds avoid contact with the
water or wear gloves that do not expose you to the Tank water.
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