Here are images showing the two types of connection options:
Option 1: Sink Adapter (Recommended)
In the Plumbing Kit you will find a Sink Adapter, which is a “Tee” connector compatible with most
common under sink fittings.
To install:
Turn off the water supply valve that provides water to the line you want to use
to connect your WAZER. (If you’re not sure about this step, you may need help with this
section of the installation.)
2. If you have a faucet attached to that line, turn it on to drain the line and confirm that the
water supply is fully turned off.
3. Select an appropriate wrench to loosen the connection of the water supply you have chosen.
A common adjustable wrench will work in most cases.
4. Unscrew the existing sink connector from the water supply.
5. Screw the Sink Adapter into the water supply.
6. Reinstall the faucet supply into the threaded side of the Sink Adapter.
7. Do NOT cut the end of the Water Inlet Hose to size yet!
8. DO NOT turn on the water supply valve yet.
9. Move on to Hose 2: Install the Water Drain Hose.
Option 2: Garden Hose Adapter
These threads are often found in commercial buildings, garages, and workshop sink faucets. In
your Plumbing Kit you will find the Garden Hose Adapter.
To install:
1. This Garden Hose Adapter will thread into a garden hose or sink faucet.
2. Install the Garden Hose Adapter. If your tap does not have a garden hose thread, use the
orange adapter.
DO NOT cut the end of the Water Inlet Hose to size yet.
DO NOT turn on the water supply valve yet!
5. Move on to Hose 2: Install the Water Drain Hose.
If this location has separate hot and cold water supply lines, install using the cold
supply line. NEVER use hot water. Hot water will damage WAZER.
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