20 bit angle value
Toothed wheel
Hardware angle generator
Step width 1/4 - 1/512
Angle Functions
SPNU563A – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
High-End Timer (N2HET) Module
23.3.2 Hardware Angle Generator (HWAG) Overview
More engine control functions require powerful microcontrollers to process the timing. These controllers
must generate signals such as dwell time, spark time, and fuel injection, at precise engine angles. These
signals must be synchronized with the engine cycle.
The hardware angle generator (HWAG) generates angle value from toothed wheels. Because the toothed
wheels are inaccurate (the most widely wheel used has 60 teeth with 6°/tooth), the period between two
tooth edges (\) interpolates the angle value and the step width gives the number of interpolated angles.
For an example of the angle generator principle, see
The HWAG can complement the high-end timer (NHET) to generate complex angle-angle or angle-time
wave forms.
To work with the majority of toothed wheels, the HWAG provides registers to allow the CPU to configure
step width, singularity, and filtering when initializing.
Figure 23-35. Angle Generator Principle HWAG Features
The HWAG provides the following features:
Programmable step width from 1/4 to 1/512
Automatic synchronization check after first singularity synchronization
Direct interface with the high-end timer
15 to 10,000 RPM range
Programmable toothed-wheel input filter
Programmable active edge on toothed-wheel
Start bit synchronized to the tooth edge
Pin selection capability for toothed-wheel input