Control of Special Multiplexed Options
SPNU563A – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
I/O Multiplexing and Control Module (IOMM)
PINMMR165[24] and PINMMR165[25] are used to select between the ePWM1_SYNCI and the stretched
N2HET1_LOOP_SYNC signals.
If PINMMR165[24] = 1 and PINMMR165[25] = 0, the SYNCI input to the ePWM1 comes from the
ePWM1_SYNCI which is an output from a multiplexor. This is the default connection. There are also
three possible selections from which to choose the ePWM1_SYNC1.
When PINMMR173[8] = 1, the EPWM1SYNCI terminal is connected directly to the ePWM1
module's SYNCI port. This is the default connection.
When PINMMR173[8] = 0, PINMMR173[9] = 1, and PINMMR173[10] = 0, the EPWM1SYNCI
terminal is double-synchronized using VCLK3 and then connected to the ePWM1 module's SYNCI
When PINMMR173[8] = 0, PINMMR173[9] = 0, and PINMMR173[10] = 1, the EPWM1SYNCI
terminal is double-synchronized using VCLK3, qualified through a 6-cycle counter using VCLK3 and
then connected to the ePWM1 module's SYNCI port.
If PINMMR165[24]=0 and PINMMR165[25]=1, the SYNCI input to the ePWM1 comes from the pulse-
stretched N2HET1_LOO_SYNC signal.
6.5.9 Control for Input Connections to ePWMx Modules
The ePWMx modules take the following signals as input:
ePWM1_SYNCI: external time-base input to the ePWMx
nTZ1 through nTZ6: trip-zone inputs to the ePWMx
Of the six trip-zone inputs, three are input from device terminals while the other three are connected to
internal error events. Registers from the I/O multiplexing module are used to control various aspects of
these input connections to the ePWMx modules.
Table 6-6. Controls for ePWMx Inputs
Input Signal
Control for Asynchronous
(default connection)
Control for Double-VCLK3-
Synchronized Input
Control for Double-VCLK3-
Synchronized and
6-VCLK3-Filtered Input
PINMMR172[16] = 1
PINMMR172[16] = 0
PINMMR172[17] = 1
PINMMR172[17:16] = "00"
PINMMR172[18] = 1
PINMMR172[24] = 1
PINMMR172[24] = 0
PINMMR172[25] = 1
PINMMR172[25:24] = "00"
PINMMR172[26] = 1
PINMMR173[0] = 1
PINMMR173[0] = 0
PINMMR173[1] = 1
PINMMR173[1:0] = "00"
PINMMR173[2] = 1
PINMMR173[8] = 1
PINMMR173[8] = 0
PINMMR173[9] = 1
PINMMR173[9:8] = "00"
PINMMR173[10] = 1