Manual - TC.P Quadro
Software options
The solution
Modules required for this usage
TopCon Quadro power supply
SASControl option
Fig. 61
Usage of the TopCon power supply as a test stand
Test stand - modules
TopCon power supply with TC.LIN
The TopCon simulates a solar panel with its function generator TFE. The
TC.LIN helps to improve the dynamic performance of the system, during the
process greater accuracy is required.
Test object: inverter
The grid can be real or also be a simulation so that the test object can be op-
erated in an environment that closely represents reality.
Table 68
Improvement of dynamic performance using the TC-LIN linear se-
ries controller
A further improvement in the dynamic performance of the system is
provided by the usage of the downstream TC.LIN linear series control-
ler. The linear series controller communicates with the TopCon power
supply. While the TopCon power supply def
ines the signal “coarsely”,
the TC.LIN modifies the output signal with high dynamic performance
and accuracy (5
μs cycle time, 14.5-bit resolution). The combination of
the TopCon Quadro power supply and the TC.LIN linear series control-
ler can be used very flexibly and at the same time at high powers for the
realistic simulation of small to medium solar panels.
This functionality is largely controlled from the TopControl application.
Alternatively the functionality can be controlled via the DLL for custom