The Add WPS Client page adjusts.
The Push Button (recommended) radio button is selected by default.
7. Select the PIN Number radio button.
8. In the Enter Client’s PIN field, enter the PIN number of the WiFi device.
9. Click the Next button.
For four minutes, the AP attempts to find the WiFi device (that is, the client) that you
want to join the AP’s Wireless 1 network.
During this time, the WPS LED on the top panel of the AP blinks.
10. Within four minutes, go to the WiFi device and use its WPS software to join the
network without entering a password.
The WPS process automatically sets up the device with the WiFi passphrase and
connects the device to the Wireless 1 network of the AP.
11. To verify that the WiFi device is connected to the AP’s Wireless 1 network, select
BASIC > Attached Devices.
The WiFi device displays on the page.
User Manual
Basic WiFi and Radio Features
WiFi 6 AX1800 Dual Band Wireless Access Point WAX204