VPN Client [Router Mode]
If the AP is in router mode, you can use it as a VPN client (as opposed to a VPN
to let devices on the AP’s network securely access an
network using virtual
private networking (VPN). This chapter describes how to set up the AP as a VPN client
and use VPN access.
For you to be able to use the AP as a VPN client, you must obtain a third-party license
for VPN server access. The local browser UI includes a link to a third-party VPN service
(PureVPN) so that you can obtain a license.
For information about using the router as a VPN server, see VPN Server and Service
with OpenVPN [Router Mode] on page 180.
Note: In AP mode, the VPN client settings that are described in this chapter are not
required because they can be provided by the routing device to which the AP connects.
Therefore, in AP mode, these VPN client settings are masked out in the local browser
This chapter includes the following sections:
About setting up the AP as a VPN client [router mode]
Enable the VPN client in the AP and connect to a VPN server [router mode]
Disconnect the AP from the VPN server [router mode]
Note: In this chapter, we refer to the access point as the AP.