The delayed upshift is effective
with ve hicle speeds below 31 m ph
(50 k m /h ) at partial throttle and
engine te m peratures below 9 5 ° F
(35 °C ).
Do not exceed the ve hicle speed
lim its for ind ivid ua l gear s e le c
tions, w hich are indicated by
m arks (I, II, III etc.) on the c irc u m
ference of the speedom eter.
To avoid overrevving the engine
w hen the selector lever is m oved
to a low er driving range, the tra n s
m ission w ill not sh ift to a low er
gear as long as the ve h icle speed
exceeds the speed lim it of that
W arning!
On slippery road surfaces,
n ever d o w n sh ift in o rd er to
obtain braking action. This
could result in rear w h e el slip
and reduced veh ic le control.
Your v e h ic le ’s ABS will not
p revent this typ e o f loss of
To prevent the eng in e from
laboring at low R PM s, do not allow
the eng in e speed to drop too low
on uphill gradients.
D epending on the degree of the
incline, sh ift selector lever to a
low er gear range early enough to
m aintain e ng in e RPM w ithin the
best to rq ue range.
M aneuvering
To m aneuver in tig h t areas, e.g.
w hen p u llin g into parking space,
control the ca r speed by g ra du ally
releasing the brakes. A cce lerate
g ently and never a brup tly step on
the a ccelerator.
To rock a car out of soft ground
(mud or snow), a lterna te ly shift
from forw ard to reverse, w hile
app lyin g sligh t partial throttle.
R ocking a car free in this m anner
m ay cause the ABS w arning lam p
to com e on. Turn o ff and restart
the eng in e to clea r the m a lfu n c
tion indication.
For b rief stops, e.g. at traffic lights,
leave the tran sm issio n in gear and
hold ve h icle w ith the service
For longer stops with the engine
idling, sh ift into ” N ” or ” P ” .
W hen sto pp ing the car on an
uphill incline, do not hold it with
the a ccelerator, use the brake.
This avoids unnecessary tra n s
m ission heat build up.
W arning!
G etting out o f your car with
th e s ele cto r lever not fully
eng ag ed in position ”P ” is
d angerous. W h en parked on
an incline, position ”P” alone
m ay not p revent your vehicle
fro m m oving, possibly hitting
people or objects.
A lw ays set th e parking brake
in addition to shifting to
position ” P”.
W h en parked on an incline,
also turn fro n t w h eel against
Содержание 300 SE 1993
Страница 1: ...Owner s Manual...
Страница 3: ...Mercedes Benz Owner s Manual 1993 300 SE 400 SEL 500 SEL...
Страница 13: ...11 Instruments and C ontrols...
Страница 22: ......
Страница 74: ......
Страница 96: ......
Страница 128: ......
Страница 146: ......
Страница 147: ...Index...
Страница 152: ...NOTES 150...
Страница 153: ...NOTES 151...
Страница 156: ...Mercedes Benz AG Stuttgart Untertuerkheim...
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