The m aintenance-free battery is
located in the trun k under the
right-hand w heel w ell cover panel.
The service life of the battery is
dependent on its co nd itio n of
charge. The battery should alw ays
be kept
su fficien tly charged,
o rd er
to last an optim um length of
T h ere fo re, w e strongly re co m
m end that you have th e battery
charge checked freq u e n tly , and
corrected if n ecessary, e sp e
cially if you use th e veh ic le less
than approxim ately 200 m iles
(300 km) per m onth, m ostly for
short d istance trips, or if it is
not used fo r long periods of
tim e.
O nly charge a battery with a
battery ch arge r after the battery
has been d isco nn ected from the
vehicle electrical circuit.
W hen rem oving and c o nn ectin g
the battery, alw ays m ake sure that
all e le ctrica l co n su m e rs are off
and the key is in steering lock
position 0.
W hile the eng in e is running the
b attery te rm ina l clam ps m ust not
be loosened or detached, o th e r
w ise the alterna to r and other
e le ctron ic co m p on en ts w ould be
dam aged.
B attery R ecycling
B atteries contain m aterials that
can harm the e nviro n m e nt with
im p rop er disposal.
Large 12 Volt storage batteries
contain lead, and sm aller w atch-
type batteries (such as in the
Infrared R em ote C ontrol Unit) m ay
contain m ercury.
R ecycling of batteries is the
p referred m ethod of disposal.
M any states require sellers of
batteries to a ccep t old batteries for
W arning!
N ever lean over batteries
w h ile co n n ectin g , you m ight
g et injured.
B attery fluid contains sulfuric
acid. Do not allow this fluid to
com e in con tact with eyes,
skin or clothing. In case it
does, im m ed iately flush
affec te d area with w ater and
see k m edical help.
A b attery will also produce
h ydrogen gas, w hich is
flam m ab le and explosive.
K eep flam es or sparks away
from battery, avoid im proper
con n ectio n of ju m p e r cables,
sm oking etc..
Содержание 300 SE 1993
Страница 1: ...Owner s Manual...
Страница 3: ...Mercedes Benz Owner s Manual 1993 300 SE 400 SEL 500 SEL...
Страница 13: ...11 Instruments and C ontrols...
Страница 22: ......
Страница 74: ......
Страница 96: ......
Страница 128: ......
Страница 146: ......
Страница 147: ...Index...
Страница 152: ...NOTES 150...
Страница 153: ...NOTES 151...
Страница 156: ...Mercedes Benz AG Stuttgart Untertuerkheim...
Страница 157: ......