Towing th e Veh icle
The rear tow ing eye is located at
the right, below the bum per. The
front tow ing eye is located on the
passenger side behind a fla p in
the bum per panel.
Flap rem oval: Insert fin ge r in
recess of flap and pull flap out.
Flap installation: Engage flap at
bottom and press in top securely.
We recom m end that the vehicle
be transported using flat bed
equipm ent. T his m ethod is p re
ferable to other types of tow ing.
The ve h icle m ay be tow ed w ith all
w heels on the ground and the
selector lever in position ” N ” for
d istan ces up to 30 m iles (50 km)
and at a speed not to exceed
30 m ph (50 k m /h ).
To p ositively avoid a p o ssib ility of
dam age to the tran sm issio n,
how ever, we recom m end to d is
co nn ect the drive shaft at the rear
axle drive fla ng e on any tow ing
beyond a short tow to a nearby
Do not tow w ith sling -typ e e q u ip
m ent. Tow ing with sling -typ e
e q u ip m en t over bum py roads w ill
dam age radiator and supports.
Use w heel lift, dolly, or flat bed
equ ip m en t, with key in steering
lock turned to position 0.
To signal turns w hile being towed
w ith hazard w arning fla she r in
use, turn key in steering lock to
position 2 and activate
c o m b in a tion sw itch for left or right
turn signal in usual m anner - only
the selected turn signal will
Upon ca nce lin g the turn signal,
the harzard fla she r w ill operate
V eh icles w ith A cceleratio n Slip
C ontrol (A S R )
If the ve hicle is tow ed with the
front axle raised, the key m ust not
be in steering lock position 2.
O therw ise, the a cceleration slip
control w ill im m e diately be
engaged and w ill a pp ly the rear
w heel brakes.
W arning!
W ith th e e n g in e not running,
th e re is no p o w er assistance
for th e braking and steering
system s. In this case, it is
im portant to keep in m ind that
a c o n s id erab ly h ig h er d eg re e
of e ffo rt is n ec es s ary to brake
and s te er th e veh icle.
Содержание 300 SE 1993
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Страница 3: ...Mercedes Benz Owner s Manual 1993 300 SE 400 SEL 500 SEL...
Страница 13: ...11 Instruments and C ontrols...
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Страница 147: ...Index...
Страница 152: ...NOTES 150...
Страница 153: ...NOTES 151...
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