D ipstick locking lever of 500 SEL
C h e c k in g A u to m a tic
T ra n s m is s io n F lu id L e ve l
1 Release
2 Engage
W hen noticing flu id loss or gear
shifting m alfunctions, we reco m
m end to have yo ur authorized
M ercedes-B enz dea le r ch eck the
tran sm issio n fluid level.
The tran sm issio n fluid level should
only be checked with the engine
idling, parking brake engaged and
selector lever in position ” P ” . The
ve hicle m ust be parked on level
Prior to the check, a llow engine to
idle for approx. 1 to 2 m inutes.
M easure flu id level with the
d ip s tic k co m p le te ly inserted and
the locking lever released (1).
Extrem e clea n lin e ss m ust be
observed! To w ipe the d ipstick,
use a clean, lint-free cloth.
To fill the tran sm issio n with fluid,
pour it th ro ug h a fine-m esh filte r
into the d ip stick o pening. Even the
sligh test im p urity m ay cause
o perational troubles.
The flu id level in the transm ission
is d e p en de nt upon its te m p era
ture. The m axim um and m inim um
flu id level m arks on the dipstick
are a pp lica b le references only if
the tran sm issio n flu id level has
reached its norm al operating
te m perature of 1 7 6 °F (80 °C ).
Im portant!
If the tran sm issio n fluid cools
dow n to 68 - 8 6 °F (20 - 3 0°C ),
w hich is the norm al shop te m p era
tu re range, then the m axim um
fluid level w ill be a pproxim ately
0.4 in (10 m m) below the m in i
m um m ark on the d ipstick. We
stress this point because a fluid
ch an ge is norm ally perform ed
when the tran sm issio n fluid has
cooled dow n to shop tem perature.
The flu id level m ust not exceed
the d ip stick m axim um m ark with
the flu id at operating tem perature.
Drain or siphon excess flu id , if
Then push d ip s tic k all the way
in and sw ing locking lever
dow nw a rd s (2).
Содержание 300 SE 1993
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