The engine coolant is a m ixture of
w ater and a n tic o rro s io n /a n ti
freeze, w hich provides:
• corrosion protection
• freeze protection
• boiling protection (by increasing
the boiling point).
The cooling system w as filled at
the factory with a coolant provi
ding freeze protection to approx.
- 2 2 ° F (-3 0 ° C ) and corrosion
The coolant solution m ust be used
year round to provide the neces
sary corrosion protection and in
crease in the boil-over protection.
You should have it replaced every
3 years.
To provide the im portant corrosion
protection, the solution m ust be at
least 4 5% a n tic o rro s io n /a n tifre e z e
(equals a freeze protection to
approx. - 2 2 ° F [-3 0 ° C ]). If you use
a solution that is m ore than 55%
a n tic o rro s io n /a n tifre e z e (freeze
protection to approx. - 4 9 °F
[-4 5 ° C ]), the engine tem perature
will increase due to the lower
heat transfer ca p a b ility of the
solution. Therefore, do not use
m ore than this am ount of a n ti
c o rro s io n /a n tifre e z e .
If the co olan t level is low, w ater
and M B a ntic o rro s io n /a n tifre e z e
should be used to bring it up to
the proper level (have cooling
system checked for signs of
The w ater in the cooling system
m ust m eet m inim um requirem ents,
w hich are usually satisfied by
norm al d rinkin g water. If you are
not sure about the w ater quality,
co n su lt your authorized M ercedes-
Benz dealer.
A n tic o rro s io n /a n tifre e z e
Y our ve hicle contains a num ber of
alu m in um parts. The use of a lu
m inum com ponents in m otor
vehicle e ngines necessitates that
a n tic o rro s io n /a n tifre e z e coolant
used in such e ngines be sp e c ifi
cally form ulated to protect the
alum inum parts. (Failure to use
such a n tic o rro s io n /a n tifre e z e
co olan t w ill result in a sign ifican tly
shortened service life.)
T herefore the follow ing product is
strongly recom m ended for use in
your car: M ercedes-B enz
A n tic o rro s io n /A n tifre e z e Agent.
Before the start of the w inter
season (or once a year in the hot
southern regions), you should
have the a n tic o rro s io n /a n tifre e z e
concentration checked. The
co olan t is also reg ula rly checked
each tim e you bring your vehicle
to your authorized M ercedes-B enz
dealer for m aintenance service.
A n tic o rro s io n /a n tifre e z e quantity
M odel
Approx. freeze
- 3 5 ° F
- 4 9 ° F
(-3 7 ° C)
(-4 5 °C)
300 SE 7.7 US qt
8.5 US qt
(7.25 I)
(8.00 I)
400 SEL 8.2 US qt
9.0 US qt
500 SE L (7.75 I)
(8.50 I)
Содержание 300 SE 1993
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