Name / value range / [default setting]
(PAR 110/016)
Diagnostics of analog input 1: Status
(AI1 diagnostics: AI1 status)
Read only
Bit-coded display of the status of analog input 1 (X3/AI1).
Bit 0 Mode 0: 0 ... 10 VDC active
Bit 1 Mode 1: 0 … 5 VDC active
Bit 2 Mode 2: 2 … 10 VDC active
Bit 3 Mode 3: -10 … 10 VDC active
Bit 4 Mode 4: 4 … 20 mA active
Bit 5 Mode 5: 0 … 20 mA active
Bit 6 24 V supply OK
Bit 7 Calibration successful
Bit 8 Monitoring threshold exceeded/not reached
Bit 9 Input current too low (mode 4)
Bit 10 Input voltage too low (mode 2)
Bit 11 Input voltage too high (mode 4)
Bit 12 Reserved
Bit 13
Bit 14
Bit 15
(PAR 111/001)
Diagnostics of analog input 2: Value in percent
(AI2 diagnostics: AI2 terminal %)
Read only: x.x %
Display of the current input value at X3/AI2 scaled as a value in percent.
100 % ≡ 10 V or 20 mA or 5 V
(PAR 111/002)
Diagnostics of analog input 2: Frequency value
(AI2 diagnostics: AI2 scaled freq.)
Read only: x.x Hz
Display of the current input value at X3/AI2 scaled as a frequency value.
The setpoint source for speed mode is selected in
(PAR 201/001)
(PAR 111/003)
Diagnostics of analog input 2: Process controller value
(AI2 diagnostics: AI2 scaled PID)
Read only: x.xx PUnit
Display of the current input value at X3/AI2 scaled as a process controller
The setpoint source for process controller mode is selected in
0x2860:002 (PAR 201/002)
(PAR 111/004)
Diagnostics of analog input 2: Torque value
(AI2 diagnostics: AI2 scaled torque)
Read only: x.xx %
Display of the current input value at X3/AI2 scaled as a percentage tor-
que value.
100 % ≡ permissible maximum torque
(PAR 111/016)
Diagnostics of analog input 2: Status
(AI2 diagnostics: AI2 status)
Read only
Bit-coded display of the status of analog input 2 (X3/AI2).
Bit 0 Mode 0: 0 … 10 VDC active
Bit 1 Mode 1: 0 … 5 VDC active
Bit 2 Mode 2: 2 … 10 VDC active
Bit 3 Mode 3: -10 … 10 VDC active
Bit 4 Mode 4: 4 … 20 mA active
Bit 5 Mode 5: 0 … 20 mA active
Bit 6 24 V supply OK
Bit 7 Calibration successful
Bit 8 Monitoring threshold exceeded/not reached
Bit 9 Input current too low
Bit 10 Input voltage too low
Bit 11 Input voltage too high
Bit 12 Reserved
Bit 13
Bit 14
Bit 15
(PAR 112/001)
Diagnostics of analog output 1: Voltage
(AO1 value: Analog outp.1 volt.)
Read only: x.xx V
Display of the current output voltage at X3/AO1.
(PAR 112/002)
Diagnostics of analog output 1: Current
(AO1 value: Analog outp.1 current)
Read only: x.xx mA
Display of the present output current at X3/AO1.
Diagnostics and fault elimination
Diagnostics of the inputs and outputs
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