Predefined process data words
Process data are exchanged via cyclic data exchange between the network master and the
For the cyclic data exchange, the inverter is provided with 24 network registers.
12 network registers are provided as input registers for data words from the network mas-
ter to the inverter.
12 network registers are provided as output registers for data words from the inverter to
the network master.
Each network register is provided with a corresponding code that defines which parameters
(or other data codes) are mapped to the network register.
The input and output registers are divided into three blocks (A, B, C) in each case, featuring
4 successive data words, respectively:
Network register
Input register
Output register
Network IN A0
Network IN A1
Network IN A2
Network IN A3
Network OUT A0
Network OUT A1
Network OUT A2
Network OUT A3
Network IN B0
Network IN B1
Network IN B2
Network IN B3
Network OUT B0
Network OUT B1
Network OUT B2
Network OUT B3
Network IN C0
Network IN C1
Network IN C2
Network IN C3
Network OUT C0
Network OUT C1
Network OUT C2
Network OUT C3
The terms "input" and "output" refer to the point of view of the inverter:
Input data are transmitted by the network master and received by the inverter.
Output data are transmitted by the inverter and received by the network master.
The exact assignment of the network registers and the number of data words
that can be transmitted cyclically varies according to the network/communica-
tion protocol. You can find some detailed information in the documentation for
the respective communication protocol.
Data mapping
For establishing a simple network connection, the inverter provides predefined control and
status words for device profile CiA402, AC drive profile as well as in LECOM format. By means
of data mapping to a network register, each of these words can be transferred as process date
via network. Additionally, further mappable data words to individually control the inverter are
provided. The mappable data words are described in detail in the following subchapters.
Data mapping cannot be applied to all parameters. The mappable parameters
are marked correspondingly in the parameter attribute list.
Parameter attrib-
ute list
Configuring the network
Predefined process data words
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