Name / value range / [default setting]
(PAR 400/010)
Function assignment: Foward jog (CW)
(Function list: Forward jog)
Setting can only be changed if controller inhibit is
For possible settings see description for
0x2631:001 (PAR 400/001)
Assignment of a trigger for the "Foward jog (CW)" function.
Trigger = TRUE: drive traverses in forward rotating direction (CW) with
the preset value 5.
Trigger = TRUE-FALSE edge: drive is stopped again.
The preset value 5 can be set in
0x2911:005 (PAR 450/005)
The stop method can be selected in
0x2838:003 (PAR 203/003)
Jog operation has a higher priority than a stop command. If jog opera-
tion is active, a stop command that has been triggered has no effect!
However, jog operation can be interrupted by the "Quick stop" func-
Jog operation cannot be started automatically. The "Start at switch-
on" option in
0x2838:002 (PAR 203/002)
does not apply to jog opera-
If "Foward jog (CW)" and "Backward jog (CCW)" are activated at the
same time, the drive is stopped using the stop method and jog opera-
tion must be triggered again.
00 Not connected
No trigger assigned (trigger is constantly FALSE).
(PAR 400/011)
Function assignment: Backward jog (CCW)
(Function list: Backward jog)
Setting can only be changed if controller inhibit is
For possible settings see description for
0x2631:001 (PAR 400/001)
Assignment of a trigger for the "Backward jog (CCW)" function.
Trigger = TRUE: drive traverses in backward rotating direction (CCW)
with the preset value 6.
Trigger = TRUE-FALSE edge: drive is stopped again.
The preset value 6 can be set in
0x2911:006 (PAR 450/006)
The stop method can be selected in
0x2838:003 (PAR 203/003)
Jog operation has a higher priority than a stop command. If jog opera-
tion is active, a stop command that has been triggered has no effect!
However, jog operation can be interrupted by the "Quick stop" func-
Jog operation cannot be started automatically. The "Start at switch-
on" option in
0x2838:002 (PAR 203/002)
does not apply to jog opera-
If "Foward jog (CW)" and "Backward jog (CCW)" are activated at the
same time, the drive is stopped using the stop method and jog opera-
tion must be triggered again.
00 Not connected
No trigger assigned (trigger is constantly FALSE).
(PAR 400/013)
Function assignment: Reversal
(Function list: Reversal of rot. dir.)
Setting can only be changed if controller inhibit is
For possible settings see description for
0x2631:001 (PAR 400/001)
Assignment of a trigger for the "Reversal" function.
Trigger = TRUE: the setpoint specified is inverted (i. e. the sign is inver-
Trigger = FALSE: no action / deactivate function again.
13 Digital input 3
State of X3/DI3, taking an inversion set in
0x2632:003 (PAR 411/003)
Flexible I/O configuration
Controller enable, starting & stopping, reversal
Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.actechdrives.com - Email: [email protected]