Control source change-over
The term "control sources" in this connection refers to the signal sources from which the
inverter receives its start, stop, and reversal commands.
Possible control sources are:
Digital inputs
Process input data (network)
Keypad keys
If flexible control is set in
0x2824 (PAR 200)
, a change-over from one control source to another
can be effected during operation using corresponding functions. The inverter not only sup-
ports such a change-over via its digital inputs, but also as a function of internal inverter states.
In order to deactivate the digital inputs as control source and use the keypad or network as
control source instead:
By means of the "Keypad control" (
0x2631:012 (PAR 400/012)
) function, the keypad can be
activated as control source. The drive can then be started and stopped via the and
keypad keys.
The "Network enable" (
0x2631:037 (PAR 400/037)
) function serves to activate the network
control mode. The inverter then responds to the start and stop commands received via net-
Inverter behaviour when the control source is changed
If, during change-over of the control source, a function with a level-sensitive trigger is active
(e.g. Quick stop" or "DC braking"), the inverter responds to the new trigger state for the
respective function immediately when the control source is changed over.
If a function with an edge-sensitive trigger is active instead (e.g. Forward start (CW)",
"Backward start (CCW)"), this function remains active after change-over until another function
is activated by the new control source.
If the keypad key is pressed, this state is saved internally. Restarting the drive
from another control source therefore requires pressing the key first in order
to cancel the stop command by the keypad again.
Name / value range / [default setting]
(PAR 400/012)
Function assignment: Keypad control
(Function list: Keypad control)
For possible settings see description for
0x2631:001 (PAR 400/001)
Assignment of a trigger for the "Keypad control" function.
Trigger = TRUE: activate keypad as control source.
Trigger = FALSE: no action / deactivate keypad as control source again.
00 Not connected
No trigger assigned (trigger is constantly FALSE).
(PAR 400/037)
Function assignment: Network enable
(Function list: Network enable)
For possible settings see description for
0x2631:001 (PAR 400/001)
Assignment of a trigger for the "Network enable" function.
Trigger = TRUE: activate network control mode.
Trigger = FALSE: no action / deactivate network control mode again.
00 Not connected
No trigger assigned (trigger is constantly FALSE).
(PAR 200)
Control selection
(Control source)
Selection of the type of inverter control.
0 Terminal mode (flexible I/O configuration)
This selection enables a flexible assignment of the start, stop, and rotat-
ing direction commands with digital signal sources (e.g. digital inputs,
process data received via network).
1 Keypad
This selection enables starting and stopping of the inverter exclusively
via the start and stop key of the keypad.
Other signal sources for starting the inverter are ignored.
This selection is advisable for an initial functional test if no external
control sources are connected yet.
Flexible I/O configuration
Control source change-over
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