The inverter provides many diagnostic parameters which are helpful for operation, mainte-
nance, error diagnosis, error correction, etc.
In the following overview the most common diagnostic parameters are listed. For the key-
pad you can find these diagnostic parameters in group 1.
Further parameters for more specific diagnostic purposes are described in the following
The diagnostic parameters can only be read and cannot be written to.
Name / value range / [default setting]
CRC parameter set
Read only
Display of the checksum of the parameter set.
Each parameter set has an individual checksum (CRC32) that is cre-
ated from the settings of all storable indices (P-flag) of the parameter
set. If a setting changes, the checksum changes as well.
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC): By comparing the checksums of
parameter sets, you can check whether the parameter sets are identi-
cal or not.
(PAR 102)
Frequency setpoint
(Freq. setp. Hz)
Read only: x.x Hz
Display of the frequency setpoint currently assigned.
Depending on the present operating conditions, this value may differ
from the current output frequency at the motor shaft.
V/f operation: actual frequency of motor shaft
Read only: x.x Hz
Display of the current output frequency at the motor shaft.
(PAR 123)
Motor utilisation (i²*t)
(Mot. I2t utilis.)
Read only: x %
Display of the current thermal motor utilisation.
(PAR 105)
DC-bus voltage
(DC bus)
Read only: x V
Display of the current DC-bus voltage.
(PAR 104)
Actual motor current
(Act. motor current)
Read only: x.x A
Display des present current-r.m.s. value.
(PAR 106)
Actual motor voltage
(Motor voltage)
Read only: x VAC
Display of the current motor voltage.
(PAR 108/001)
Output power: Effective
(Output power: Effective power)
Read only: x.xxx kW
Display of the active output power for an energy analysis in the respec-
tive application.
(PAR 108/002)
Output power: Apparent power
(Output power: Apparent power)
Read only: x.xxx kW
Display of the apparent output power for an energy analysis in the
respective application.
(PAR 109/001)
Output energy: Motor
(Output energy: Motor output energy)
Read only: x.xx kWh
Display of the output power in motor mode for an energy analysis in the
respective application.
(PAR 109/002)
Output energy: Generator
(Output energy: Gen. output energy)
Read only: x.xx kWh
Display of the output power in generator mode for an energy analysis in
the respective application.
(PAR 100)
Actual frequency
(Actual frequency)
Read only: x.x Hz
Display of the current field frequency for diagnostics of closed loop con-
(PAR 101)
Scaled actual value
(Scaled actual value)
Read only: x Units
Display of the current speed in application units.
(PAR 107)
Torque actual value
(Actual torque %)
Read only: x.x %
Display of the current torque.
100 % ≡ permissible maximum torque
(PAR 103)
Current actual value
(Motor current %)
Read only: x.x %
Display of the present motor current.
100 % ≡ rated motor current
0x6075 (PAR 323)
(PAR 117/001)
Heatsink temperature monitoring: Actual value
(Heatsink temp.: Heatsink temp.)
Read only: x.x °C
Display of the current heatsink temperature.
Diagnostics and fault elimination
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