On SRX100 devices, in J-Web users can configure the scheduler without entering
any stop date. The device submits the scheduler successfully, but the submitted
value is not displayed on the screen or saved in the device. [PR/439636]
On SRX100, SRX210, SRX240, and SRX650 devices, in J-Web the associated
classifiers for a logical interface might not be mapped properly
when the user edits the classifiers of a logical interface. This can affect the Delete
functionality as well. [PR/455670]
On SRX Series and J Series devices, when J-Web is used to configure a VLAN,
the option to add an IPv6 address appears. Only IPv4 addresses are supported.
On SRX Series devices in J-Web the left-side menu items and page content might
disappear when Troubleshoot is clicked twice. As a workaround, click the
Configure or Monitor menu to get back the relevant content. [PR/459936]
On SRX100, SRX210, SRX240, SRX650, and J Series devices, in J-Web, the
options Input filter and Output Filter are displayed in VLAN configuration page.
This feature is not supported, and the user cannot obtain or configure any value
under these filter options. [PR/460244]
On SRX100, SRX210, SRX240, SRX650, and J Series devices, in the J-Web
interface, the Traceoptions tab in the Edit Global Settings window of the OSPF
Configuration page (Configuration>Routing>OSPF Configuration) does not
display the available flags (tracing parameters). As a workaround, use the CLI to
view the available flags. [PR/475313]
On SRX100, SRX210, SRX240, SRX650, and J Series devices, when you have a
large number of static routes configured, and if you have navigated to pages
other than to page 1 in the Route Information table in the J-Web interface
(Monitor>Routing>Route Information), changing the Route Table to query other
routes refreshes the page but does not return you to page 1. For example, if you
run the query from page 3 and the new query returns very few results, the Route
Information table continues to display page 3 with no results. Navigate to page
1 manually to view the results. [PR/476338]
On SRX210 Low Memory, SRX210 High Memory, and SRX210 PoE devices, in
the J-Web interface, Configuration>Routing>Static Routing does not display
the IPv4 static route configured in rib inet.0. [PR/487597]
On SRX100 (low memory and high memory), SRX210 (low memory, high
memory, and PoE), SRX240 (low memory and high memory), SRX650, J2350,
J4350, and J6350 devices, CoS feature commits occur without validation
messages, even if you have not made any changes. [PR/495603]
Management and Administration
On SRX3400 and SRX3600 devices, a minor alarm is not triggered when the
central point or SPU session table is full. [PR/405990]
On SRX3400, SRX3600, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices, the queue statistics
are not correct after deletion and re-creation of a logical interface (IFL) or creation
of a new IFL. IFL statistics are not cleared for 15 minutes after chassis-control is
restarted. [PR/417947]
Issues in JUNOS Release 10.1 for SRX Series Services Gateways and J Series Services Routers
JUNOS 10.1 Software Release Notes