When the high priority queue number is changed under the class-of-service
configuration while traffic is on.
[PR/489049: This issue has been resolved.]
The type-of-service (ToS) bits get truncated for IPv6 packets on a service PIC.
[PR/510193: This issue has been resolved.]
Forwarding and Sampling
While the JUNOS Software adopts random as its sampling algorithm, the
SAMPLING_ALGORITHM in the jflowv9 template shows 0x01 (deterministic)
instead of 0x02 (random). [PR/438621: This issue has been resolved.]
A JUNOS Software compiler bug in the match combination optimization could
cause an incorrect firewall filter evaluation. [PR/493356: This issue has been
When the MS PIC used for an RLSQ interface resides on an E3 FPC (M320), traffic
might stop flowing across the RLSQ interface after the policer on the interface
is deactivated. [PR/498069: This issue has been resolved.]
When a Layer 2 policer is configured under a logical interface having multiple
families configured under it, and the policer is changed to another, the newly
configured policer might not take effect unless the policer configuration is
deactivated and reactivated. [PR/501726]
When a filter group is configured on an interface residing on an ES FPC, the
rpf-check configured on that interface will not function correctly. As a
workaround, deactivate the configured filter group. [PR/503609: This issue has
been resolved.]
On configuring a three-color-policer, a dfwc core file is generated. [PR/509742:
This issue has been resolved.]
Interfaces and Chassis
The following messages are displayed on both the primary and secondary RLSQ
MS 500 PICs: “SCHED: %PFE-0: Thread 7 ran for x ms without yielding,"
"Scheduler Oinker." [PR/286357: This issue has been resolved.]
CFMD might crash when the following are configured and commited at once on
a VPLS setup:
Encapsulation VLAN-VPLS on a physical and logical interface
Family VPLS on a logical unit
Interface is added in the VPLS routing instance
As a workaround, add the above configurations one at a time and commit.
[PR/440108: This issue has been resolved.]
If virtual tunnel PICs and ingress traffic manager is enabled on the same Packet
Forwarding Engine/PIC on an EQ DPC, then the SNMP walk of the interface may
time out. [PR/458565: This issue has been resolved.]
Issues in JUNOS Release 10.1 for M Series, MX Series, and T Series Routers
JUNOS 10.1 Software Release Notes