Network Management
Under certain SNMP conditions, the following log message is displayed:
M10i-RE0 pfed: PFED_NOTIF_GLOBAL_STAT_UNKNOWN: Unknown global
notification stat: transit options/ttl-exceeded (re-injected)
M10i-RE0 pfed: PFED_NOTIF_STAT_UNKNOWN: Unknown notification type stat:
This log message might also be displayed during the installation of AI Scripts
(version 2.1R2 or above) on the router. AI Scripts versions prior to 2.1R2 do not
cause these messages. This is a cosmetic message, and does not have any impact.
[PR/427590: This issue has been resolved.]
monitor traffic matching x
is used on RLSQ bundles, no outbound packets
are displayed. [PR/468959: This issue has been resolved.]
The SNMP MIB walk on jnxFWCounterDisplayName may miss certain policer
counters of firewall filters applied with respect to logical interfaces (subinterfaces).
[PR/485477: This issue has been resolved.]
Under certain conditions, the SNMPD crashes due to a BAD_PAGE_FAULT.
[PR/496351: This issue has been resolved.]
MPLS Applications
No point-to-multipoint LSPs are reported when the
show mpls lsp p2mp
is issued. As a workaround, execute the
show mpls lsp
command before you
execute the
show mpls lsp p2mp
command. [PR/266343: This issue has been
Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF) fails to calculate a P2MP LSP reroute path
merging upon a user configuration change. [PR/454692: This issue has been
When an RSVP LSP is configured with the no-install-to-address option and is not
associated with CCC connection flaps, the routing protocol process will crash
when the LSP comes up again. To avoid the problem, make sure that the LSP is
either a transmit LSP for a CCC connection or that the install option is also
configured on the LSP. [PR/471339: This issue has been resolved.]
A traffic engineered label-switched path that is down might not get re-signaled.
[PR/478375: This issue has been resolved.]
While performing an MPLS LDP traceroute in a tunneled MPLS LDP environment,
all hops except the second hop show as the router hop. [PR/486999:
This issue has been resolved.]
The NGEN-MVPN multicast traffic might be dropped at the ingress router if a
point-to-multipoint LSP reoptimization is performed. [PR/491533: This issue has
been resolved.]
A rare condition between the MVPN and RSVP P2MP signaling leads to the
creation of stale flood next hops. [PR/491586: This issue has been resolved.]
Issues in JUNOS Release 10.1 for M Series, MX Series, and T Series Routers
Issues in JUNOS Release 10.1 for M Series, MX Series, and T Series Routers