This is a cosmetic issue and has no impact on the router. [PR/500824: This issue
has been resolved.]
The SIP domain names encoded in the DHCPv6 attributes do not conform to
RFC 3319. [PR/512073: This issue has been resolved.]
The JUNOS Software drops SOLICIT messages, including the rapid commit option,
instead of ignoring that option and processing the remainder of the message.
[PR/512092: This issue has been resolved.]
MPLS Applications
When an RSVP LSP is configured with the no-install-to-address option and is not
associated with CCC connection flaps, the routing protocol process will crash
when the LSP comes up again. To avoid the problem, make sure that the LSP is
either a transmit LSP for a CCC connection or that the install option is also
configured on the LSP. [PR/471339: This issue has been resolved.]
A rare condition between the MVPN and RSVP P2MP signaling leads to the
creation of stale flood next hops. [PR/491586: This issue has been resolved.]
An incorrectly changed LDP session authentication key causes the LDP session
to fail, which results in the LDP/IGP syncronization feature not working. The IGP
continues to advertise the link at normal metric values. [PR/499226: This issue
has been resolved.]
In cases where the secondary Routing Engines contain no label-switched paths
in the up state due to the lack of NSR support, such label-switched paths might
not come up even after a switchover. [PR/501969: This issue has been resolved.]
LDP might not handle certain error conditions gracefully when NSR is enabled.
This might cause the LDP replication state to be stuck in the "In Progress" state
forever. [PR/505043: This issue has been resolved.]
The name of the bypass label-switched path supports only 32 characters instead
of 64. [PR/515244: This issue has been resolved.]
Network Management
Under certain SNMP conditions, the following log message is displayed:
M10i-RE0 pfed: PFED_NOTIF_GLOBAL_STAT_UNKNOWN: Unknown global
notification stat: transit options/ttl-exceeded (re-injected)
M10i-RE0 pfed: PFED_NOTIF_STAT_UNKNOWN: Unknown notification type stat:
This log message might also be displayed during the installation of AI Scripts
(version 2.1R2 or above) on the router. AI Scripts versions prior to 2.1R2 do not
cause these messages. This is a cosmetic message, and does not have any impact.
[PR/427590: This issue has been resolved.]
Under certain conditions, the SNMPD crashes due to a BAD_PAGE_FAULT.
[PR/496351: This issue has been resolved.]
Issues in JUNOS Release 10.1 for M Series, MX Series, and T Series Routers
Issues in JUNOS Release 10.1 for M Series, MX Series, and T Series Routers