multi N/C 2100S (duo, pharma)
Function and design
The following accessories are required for measurements with the analyzer:
Connection cables, connection hoses
Suitable waste container or drainage
Reagent bottle with drip tray for phosphoric acid (250 ml)
The reagent bottle must be positioned in the drip tray behind the right door. The
reagent bottle is labeled with a safety symbol and the name of the contents and must be
filled with phosphoric acid (10 %) by the user.
The phosphoric acid is also used to initialize the analyzer with the multi N/
C 2100S pharma model, and is used to wash measuring gas after combustion.
Additional options for the analyzer
The following autosamplers are available for the analyzer:
AS 60 for 60 samples
The autosampler is fastened on the basic device with two hexagon socket screws. It is
suitable for both homogeneous and inhomogeneous particulate samples. Each sample
can be stirred immediately before analysis. The stirring speed can be selected. In NPOC
mode, the samples can be automatically acidified and purged.
The standard sample tray has 60 positions for 8 ml vessels At low sample volumes, a
tray with 112 positions for 1.8 ml HPLC snap cap vials can be used. Automatic acidifica-
tion is not possible in NPOC operation here.
External solids module
The addition of the external HT 1300 solids module to the analyzer enables the cata-
lyst-free digestion of solid samples at temperatures of up to 1300 °C in the ceramic com-
bustion furnace. The ceramic boats allow input of large sample sizes (up to 3000 mg).
This can compensate for sample inhomogeneities.
Integrated solids module
The analyzer can be equipped with a Double Furnace module to analyze small amounts
of solid samples.
The module consists of a special reactor and a lock with manual feed. The model is in-
serted into the combustion furnace. During digestion of solid samples, temperatures of
up to 950 °C are achieved. The digestion is supported by catalysts.
Manual TIC solids module
The TIC determination in solid samples can be performed by equipping the analyzer with
a TIC solids module. Large sample amounts can be weighed in an Erlenmeyer flask. The
sample is acidified and magnetically stirred on a heating plate to digest carbonates and
hydrogen carbonates to CO
No solids modules are available for the multi N/C 2100S pharma model.