InStallatIon anD oPeratIon manual
October 2021 www.eaton.com
12. Commissioning
Additional to the different group types, the organisation of group members can
behave in two different ways:-
- The majority of Groups/Zones support this methodology, in which
the order of the members do not matter. Additionally, its possible to reference
other groups as members (effectively inheriting those group’s members). These
are relatively simple member lists that include all within.
ordered with exclusions
- Only
Detection Zones and Alarm Zones
support this method. These groups
are unique because it is possible for
the panel to modify the member list.
To support this, these groups have the
capability to add ‘exclude’ members
to the list. These members indicate
that the targeted item should not be
a member. This means the order of
the member list is important, as the
system will work from top to bottom
to determine if something is a member
or not. The first positive match is taken
as the answer. Please note it is not
possible to add other Groups/Zones to
the member list.
12.9 Zones
12.9.1 Detection Zones
These hold a list of all the items that are part of a single detection zone. Detection
zones are intended for identifying zones of related detectors in the same area within
a building. When any of the associated inputs activate, the entire detection zone is
considered as activating. Detection zones are usually associated with a numbered
indicator light on the panel.
To add a new Detection Zone, simply select Detection Zones from the tree view,
then click on Add Detection Zone. The new Detection Zone will be created and
selected, the property panel will allow you to configure the Name and Zone Number.
12.9.2 Alarm Zones
These hold a list of all the items that are part of a single alarm zone. Alarm Zones are
intended for identifying zones of related sounders in the same area within a building.
To add a new Alarm Zone, simply select Alarm Zones from the tree view, then click
on Add Alarm Zone. The new Alarm Zone will be created and selected, the property
panel will allow you to configure the Name and Zone Number.
12.9.3 Safety Zones
These zones are reserved for future functionality and as yet have no purpose.