User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
78-14696-01, Version 3.1
Chapter 9 Working with Logging and Reports
About Cisco Secure ACS Logs and Reports
Cisco Secure ACS System Logs
System logs are logs about the Cisco Secure ACS system and therefore record
system-related events. These logs are useful for troubleshooting or audits. They
are always enabled and are only available in CSV format. Some system logs can
be configured. For information about each system log, including which system
logs are configurable, see
“Accounting Log Descriptions and Related Topics”
For instructions on viewing a CSV report in the HTML interface, see
Viewing a
CSV Report, page 9-15
Table 9-4
Accounting Log Descriptions and Related Topics
Description and Related Topics
ACS Backup and Restore Lists Cisco Secure ACS backup and restore activity. This log cannot be
RDBMS Synchronization Lists RDBMS Synchronization activity. This log cannot be configured.
Database Replication
Lists database replication activity. This log cannot be configured.
Administration Audit
Lists actions taken by each system administrator, such as adding users,
editing groups, configuring a AAA client, or viewing reports.
For instructions on configuring the Administration Audit log, see
Configuring the Administration Audit Log, page 9-12
User Password Changes
Lists user password changes initiated by users, regardless of which
password change mechanism was used to change the password. Thus, this
log contains records of password changes accomplished by the
CiscoSecure Authentication Agent, by the User Changeable Password
HTML interface, or by Telnet session on a network device using
. It does not list password changes made by an administrator in
the Cisco Secure ACS HTML interface.
For information about configuring the User Password Changes log, see
Configuring Local Password Management, page 8-7
ACS Service Monitoring
Lists when ACS services start and stop.
For information about configuring the ACS Service Monitoring log, see
Cisco Secure ACS Active Service Management, page 8-55