User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
78-14696-01, Version 3.1
Chapter 4 Setting Up and Managing Network Configuration
AAA Server Configuration
Details on working with AAA servers are given in the following topics:
AAA Server Configuration Options, page 4-21
Adding a AAA Server, page 4-23
Editing a AAA Server, page 4-25
Deleting a AAA Server, page 4-27
AAA Server Configuration Options
A AAA server configuration enables Cisco Secure ACS to interact with the AAA
server that the configuration represents. A AAA server that does not have a
corresponding configuration in Cisco Secure ACS, or whose configuration in
Cisco Secure ACS is incorrect, does not receive AAA services from
Cisco Secure ACS, such as proxied authentication requests. Also, several
distributed systems features require that the other Cisco Secure ACSes included
in the distributed system be represented in the AAA Servers table. For more
information about distributed systems features, see
About Distributed Systems,
page 4-3
The Add AAA Server and AAA Server Setup pages include the following options:
AAA Server Name—The name you assign to the AAA server configuration.
The AAA server hostname that is configured in Cisco Secure ACS does not
have to match the hostname configured on a network device. We recommend
that you adopt a descriptive, consistent naming convention for AAA server
names. Maximum length for a AAA server name is 32 characters.
After you submit the AAA server name, you cannot change it. If you want
to use a different name for a AAA server, delete the AAA server
configuration and create a AAA server configuration using the new name.
AAA Server IP Address—The IP address of the AAA server, in dotted, four
octet format. For example,