Chapter 11 Working with User Databases
Token Server User Databases
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
78-14696-01, Version 3.1
Cisco Secure ACS also supports mapping users authenticated by a
RADIUS-enabled token server to a single group. Group mapping only occurs if
group specification does not occur. For more information, see
Group Mapping by
External User Database, page 12-12
Token Server RADIUS Authentication Request and Response Contents
When Cisco Secure ACS forwards an authentication request to a
RADIUS-enabled token server, the RADIUS authentication request contains the
following attributes:
User-Name (RADIUS attribute 1)
User-Password (RADIUS attribute 2)
NAS-IP-Address (RADIUS attribute 4)
NAS-Port (RADIUS attribute 5)
NAS-Identifier (RADIUS attribute 32)
Cisco Secure ACS expects to receive one of the following three responses:
access-accept—No attributes are required; however, the response can
indicate the Cisco Secure ACS group to which the user should be assigned.
For more information, see
RADIUS-Based Group Specification, page 12-22
access-reject—No attributes required.
access-challenge—Attributes required, per IETF RFC, are as follows:
State (RADIUS attribute 24)
Reply-Message (RADIUS attribute 18)
Configuring a RADIUS Token Server External User Database
Use this procedure to configure ActivCard, CRYPTOCard, Vasco, Safeword,
PassGo, and RADIUS Token Server external user databases in Cisco Secure ACS.
Before You Begin
You should install and configure your RADIUS token server before configuring
Cisco Secure ACS to authenticate users with it. For information about installing
the RADIUS token server, refer to the documentation included with your token