Chapter 7 Setting Up and Managing User Accounts
Basic User Setup Options
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
78-14696-01, Version 3.1
Select a shared NAR name in the NARs list, and then click —> (right arrow
button) to move the name into the Selected NARs list.
To view the server details of the shared NARs you have selected to apply,
you can click either View IP NAR or View CLID/DNIS NAR, as
Step 3
To define and apply a NAR, for this particular user, that permits or denies this
user access based on IP address, or IP address and port, follow these steps:
You should define most NARs from within the Shared Components
section so that they can be applied to more than one group or user. For
more information, see
Shared Network Access Restrictions
Configuration, page 5-8
In the Network Access Restrictions table, under Per User Defined Network
Access Restrictions, select the Define IP-based access restrictions check
To specify whether the subsequent listing specifies permitted or denied IP
addresses, from the Table Defines list, select one of the following:
Permitted Calling/Point of Access Locations
Denied Calling/Point of Access Locations
Select or enter the information in the following boxes:
AAA Client—Select All AAA Clients, or the name of a network device
group (NDG), or the name of the individual AAA client, to which to
permit or deny access.
Port—Type the number of the port to which to permit or deny access.
You can use the wildcard asterisk (*) to permit or deny access to all ports
on the selected AAA client.
Address—Type the IP address or addresses to use when performing
access restrictions. You can type multiple entries separated by a comma
or use the wildcard asterisk (*).