User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
78-14696-01, Version 3.1
Appendix D Cisco Secure ACS Command-Line Database Utility
User-Defined RADIUS Vendors and VSA Sets
For example, the following attribute definition section defines the
widget-encryption VSA, which is an integer used for authorization, and for which
enumerations exist in the Encryption-Types enumeration section:
Enumeration Definition
Enumeration definitions enable you to associate a text-based name for each valid
numeric value of an integer-type attribute. In the Group Setup and User Setup
sections of the Cisco Secure ACS HTML interface, the text values you define
appear in lists associated with the attributes that use the enumerations.
Enumeration definition sections are required only if an attribute definition section
references them. Only attributes that are integer-type attributes can reference an
enumeration definition section.
The section header of each enumeration definition section must match the value
of an Enums key that references it. An enumeration definition section can be
referenced by more than one Enums key, thus allowing for reuse of common
enumeration definitions. An enumeration definition section can have up to 1000
Table D-10
lists the valid keys for an enumeration definition section.