User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
78-14696-01, Version 3.1
Appendix D Cisco Secure ACS Command-Line Database Utility
Compacting the CiscoSecure User Database
Step 4
To confirm that you want to replace all Cisco Secure ACS internal data, type Y
and press Enter.
Result: CSUtil.exe initializes all Cisco Secure ACS internal data, and then loads
Cisco Secure ACS with the information in the dump file specified. This process
may take a few minutes.
Step 5
To resume user authentication, type:
net start csauth
and press Enter.
Compacting the CiscoSecure User Database
Like many relational databases, the CiscoSecure user database handles the
deletion of records by marking deleted records as deleted but not removing the
record from the database. Over time, your CiscoSecure user database may be
substantially larger than is required by the number of users it contains. To reduce
the CiscoSecure user database size, you can compact it periodically.
Compacting the CiscoSecure user database consists of using in conjunction three
CSUtil.exe options:
-d—Export all Cisco Secure ACS internal data to a text file named
-n—Create a CiscoSecure user database and index.
-l—Load all Cisco Secure ACS internal data from a text file. If you do not
specify the file name, CSUtil.exe uses the default file name
Additionally, if you want to automate this process, consider using the -q option to
suppress the confirmation prompts that otherwise appear before CSUtil.exe
performs the -n and -l options.
Compacting the CiscoSecure user database requires that you stop the CSAuth
service. While CSAuth is stopped, no users are authenticated.