User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
78-14696-01, Version 3.1
Chapter 8 Establishing Cisco Secure ACS System Configuration
Cisco Secure ACS System Restore
Backup File Names and Locations
The ACS System Restore feature restores the Cisco Secure ACS user database
and Cisco Secure ACS Windows Registry information from a file that was
created by the ACS Backup feature. Cisco Secure ACS writes backup files only
on the local hard drive. You can restore from any backup file you select. For
example, you can restore from the latest backup file, or if you suspect that the
latest backup was incorrect, you can select an earlier backup file to restore from.
The backup directory is selected when you schedule backups or perform a manual
backup. The default directory for backup files is the following:
\CSAuth\System Backups
where drive is the local drive where you installed Cisco Secure ACS and path is
the path from the root of drive to the Cisco Secure ACS directory. For example,
if you installed Cisco Secure ACS version 3.0 in the default location, the default
backup location would be:
c:\Program Files\CiscoSecure ACS v3.0\CSAuth\System Backups
Cisco Secure ACS creates backup files using the date and time format:
yyyy hh
dd is the date the backup started
mmm is the month, abbreviated in alphabetic characters
yyyy is the year
hh is the hour, in 24-hour format
nn is the minute
ss is the second at which the backup started
For example, if Cisco Secure ACS started a backup on October 13, 1999,
11:41:35 a.m., Cisco Secure ACS would generate a backup file named:
13-Oct-1999 11-41-35.dmp
If you are not sure of the location of the latest backup file, check your scheduled
backup configuration on the ACS Backup page.