Automatic deblocking
This function requires one of the following equipments within the actuator:
Electronic control unit
Electronic position transmitter EWG/RWG
This function CANNOT be combined with the functions listed below:
By-pass function
Operation profile
If the setting range was limited for the positioner (parameter
Limit setting range
Function active
For actuator controls in SIL version, we DISADVISE using the automatic deblocking
Unexpected starting of actuator!
When using automatic deblocking with level-controlled operation command evaluation,
unexpected starting of actuator into the wrong direction might occur when trying to
eliminate a double-sided torque fault (torque faults in directions OPEN and CLOSE
are present at the same time).
Use automatic deblocking only in combination with edge controlled operation
command evaluation (parameter
Com. eval. REMOTE M1709
In case of torque switch tripping in intermediate position (i.e. prior to reaching the
end position), the actuator automatically attempts to reach the end position by
operation into the opposite direction and executing the actual operation command
once again.
The torque fault signal is suppressed during automatic deblocking. Should torque
switching trip again once automatic deblocking is complete, the actuator is switched
off and actuator controls signal a torque fault.
Automatic deblocking function: activate
Required user level:
Specialist (4)
or higher.
Device configuration M0053
Application functions M0178
Activation M0212
Automatic deblocking M1678
Default value:
Function not active
Setting values:
Function not active
Function deactivated.
Function active
Function activated.
Operation time for operation in opposite direction: set
The actuator controls remember the first seating position and operate the actuator
for the set operation time into opposite direction.
Required user level:
Specialist (4)
or higher.
Customer settings M0041
Automatic deblocking M1680
Oper. time opposite M1681
Default value:
3 s
Setting ranges:
1 ... 60 s
Number of deblocking attempts: set
Required user level:
Specialist (4)
or higher.
Actuator controls
ACV 01.2/ACVExC 01.2 Profibus DP
Application functions