The actuator is within the set stepping range.
Start stepping mode
Actuator is running (output drive is moving).
Hard wired collective signal consisting of:
Running LOCAL
Running REMOTE
Handwheel oper.
Actuator running
Output drive rotates due to operation command from LOCAL.
Running LOCAL
Output drive rotates due to operation command from REMOTE.
Running REMOTE
Output drive rotates without electric operation command.
Handwheel oper.
The actuator is in an intermediate position e.g. neither in end position OPEN nor in end position CLOSED.
In intermediate pos.
Intermediate position 1 reached
Intermediate pos. 1
Intermediate position 2 reached
Intermediate pos. 2
Intermediate position 3 reached
Intermediate pos. 3
Intermediate position 4 reached
Intermediate pos. 4
Intermediate position 5 reached
Intermediate pos. 5
Intermediate position 6 reached
Intermediate pos. 6
Intermediate position 7 reached
Intermediate pos. 7
Intermediate position 8 reached
Intermediate pos. 8
Intermediate position 9 reached
Intermediate pos. 9
Intermediate position 10 reached
Intermediate pos. 10
Intermediate position 11 reached
Intermediate pos. 11
Intermediate position 12 reached
Intermediate pos. 12
Intermediate position 13 reached
Intermediate pos. 13
Intermediate position 14 reached
Intermediate pos. 14
Intermediate position 15 reached
Intermediate pos. 15
Intermediate position 16 reached
Intermediate pos. 16
A high signal (+24 V DC) is present at digital input 1.
Input DIN 1
A high signal (+24 V DC) is present at digital input 2.
Input DIN 2
A high signal (+24 V DC) is present at digital input 3.
Input DIN 3
A high signal (+24 V DC) is present at digital input 4.
Input DIN 4
A high signal (+24 V DC) is present at digital input 5.
Input DIN 5
A high signal (+24 V DC) is present at digital input 6.
Input DIN 6
Operation mode EMERGENCY stop is active (EMERGENCY stop button has been pressed).
EMCY stop active
Torque fault in direction CLOSE
Torque fault CLOSE
Torque fault in direction OPEN
Torque fault OPEN
Torque fault in directions CLOSE or OPEN
Torque fault
Motor protection tripped
Thermal fault
One phase missing
Phase fault
High signal at fieldbus, digital output 1
Fieldbus DOUT 1
High signal at fieldbus, digital output 2
Fieldbus DOUT 2
High signal at fieldbus, digital output 3
Fieldbus DOUT 3
High signal at fieldbus, digital output 4
Fieldbus DOUT 4
High signal at fieldbus, digital output 5
Fieldbus DOUT 5
High signal at fieldbus, digital output 6
Fieldbus DOUT 6
High signal at fieldbus, digital output 7
Fieldbus DOUT 7
High signal at fieldbus, digital output 8
Fieldbus DOUT 8
High signal at fieldbus, digital output 9
Fieldbus DOUT 9
High signal at fieldbus, digital output 10
Fieldbus DOUT 10
Actuator controls
ACV 01.2/ACVExC 01.2 Profibus DP