Device configuration M0053
Service functions M0222
Create factory settings M0225
Generates new factory settings by accepting the current settings.
Restore factory setting
Required user level:
Specialist (4)
or higher.
Device configuration M0053
Service functions M0222
Reset factory settings M0226
Resets the current settings to factory settings.
Languages: reload
If texts are changed or if a new display language is available, the language file can
be updated from the external data carrier (SD card).
Required user level:
Specialist (4)
or higher.
Device configuration M0053
Service functions M0222
Reload languages M0227
Data export
During data export the data is saved from the device to an external data carrier (SD
Export data
Comprehensive export of all data (parameters, operation data and event protocol).
Operation data is device-specific data.
Required user level:
Service (5)
or higher.
Device configuration M0053
Service functions M0222
Export all data M0223
Export parameters
Export of all parameters. No operation data is transmitted.
Required user level:
Specialist (4)
or higher.
Device configuration M0053
Service functions M0222
Export all parameters M0297
Export event report
Required user level:
Specialist (4)
or higher.
Device configuration M0053
Service functions M0222
Export event report M0298
Data import
During data import, the data is transmitted to the controls from an external data
carrier (SD card).
Import parameters
Import of all parameters. Operating data is not overwritten.
Required user level:
Specialist (4)
or higher.
Actuator controls
ACV 01.2/ACVExC 01.2 Profibus DP
Service functions