SV200 DC Hardware Manual
11.1.1 Gain Parameter Introduction
Global gain (KP):
This parameter is the primary gain term for minimizing the position error. It defines the system stiffness. Larger KP values means
higher stiffness and faster response times. However, if gain values are too high, vibration can result. Values ranging from 6000 to
16000 are commonly used. In general, use default parameter values when possible.
Position loop gain (KF):
This parameter is also used for minimizing the position error. Increasing KF will increase stiffness and reduce settling time. However,
increasing this gain term too much may cause system vibration.
Derivative gain (KD):
This parameter is used to damp low speed oscillations and increase system smoothness.
Integrator gain (KI):
This parameter minimizes (or may even eliminate) position errors especially when motor is holding position.
Damping gain (KV):
KV minimizes the velocity error and reduces vibration in position control mode.
Inertia Feedforward Constant (KK):
KK improves acceleration control by compensating for the load inertia.
Follow Factor (KL):
Higher values will reduce system noise and eliminate overshoot, but will reduce the system’s dynamic following performance. Lower
values will raise system stiffness, but may cause system noise.
Derivative Filter Gain (KE):
The differential control parameters filter frequency. This filter is a simple one-pole, low-pass filter intended for attenuating high
frequency oscillations. This value is a constant that must be calculated from the desired roll off frequency.
PID Filter gain (KC):
The servo control overall filter frequency. This filter is a simple one-pole, low-pass filter intended for attenuating high frequency
oscillations. The value is a constant that must be calculated from the desired roll off frequency.
Among all the parameters, changes for KP, KE, and KC are NOT recommended after system
configuration. Therefore, parameter tuning is based more on KF, KD, KV, KI, KL and KK.