Parameters 103
Summary of parameter groups
Basic signals for monitoring the drive.
Values of references received from various sources.
Information on warnings and faults that occurred last.
Various run-time-type counters and measurements related to
drive maintenance.
Drive control and status words.
Drive hardware and firmware information.
Configuration of digital inputs and relay outputs.
Configuration of the digital input/outputs.
Configuration of standard analog inputs.
Configuration of standard analog outputs.
Selection of local and external control location sources and
operating modes.
Start/stop/direction and run/start/jog enable signal source
selection; positive/negative reference enable signal source
Start and stop modes; emergency stop mode and signal source
selection; DC magnetization settings.
Speed reference selection; motor potentiometer settings.
Speed reference ramp settings (programming of the acceleration
and deceleration rates for the drive).
24 Speed reference
Speed error calculation; speed error window control configuration;
speed error step.
Speed controller settings.
Settings for the torque reference chain.
Settings for the frequency reference chain.
Drive operation limits.
Configuration of external events; selection of behavior of the drive
upon fault situations.
32 Supervision
Configuration of signal supervision functions 1…3.
Motor thermal protection settings such as temperature
measurement configuration, load curve definition and motor fan
control configuration.
Peak value and amplitude logger settings.
Settings for user load curve.
Parameter values for process PID control.
A second set of parameter values for process PID control.
Configuration of mechanical brake control.
Settings for the energy saving calculators.
46 Monitoring/scaling settings
Speed supervision settings; actual signal filtering; general scaling
Data storage parameters that can be written to and read from
using other parameters’ source and target settings.
Communication settings for the control panel port on the drive.
ACS180 FW.book Page 103 Tuesday, March 9, 2021 2:25 PM