TNU functions
4. TNU functions
What is Simple DVC?
It is a mode in which the target position values are designated with the upper-level master device
to operate the actuator.
When designating target position values, by designating the STEP No. of the operation pattern
previously programmed into the driver controller, it is possible to designate operation conditions
(speed, acceleration, positioning width etc.) other than the target position.
When an operation pattern is not programmed into the designated STEP No., values other than
the target position will use those set with driver controller parameters.
As well, the current position can be read from the upper-level master device.
Setting item
Set value
Relative / Absolute
Absolute (fixed)
Speed initial value (Parameter no.: 8)
ACC/DCC rate
ACC/DCC rate initial value (Parameter no.: 9)
Positioning width
Positioning completion width initial value
(Parameter no.: 10)
Pressing, threshold, P area A, P area B,
ACC/DCC mode, stop mode, standby time,
0 (fixed)
ACC/DCC mode: Trapezoidal
Stop mode initial value (Parameter no.: 25)
1 (fixed)
E (fixed)
What is Half DVC?
It is a mode in which values for target position, positioning completion width, speed, acceleration
and deceleration rate, and current limit of pressing are designated with the upper-level master
device to operate the accelerator.
By designating the STEP No. of the operation pattern, it is possible to designate operation
conditions (P area A, P area B etc.) other than the above.
When an operation pattern is not programmed into the designated STEP No., values other than
the above will use those set with driver controller parameters.
However, when values for speed are set to 0 or values for acceleration/deceleration rate are set
to 9 or below, the driver controller position data error alarm will activate.
As well, current position, present current, and current speed can be read from the upper-level
master device.
Setting item
Set value
Relative / Absolute
Absolute (fixed)
Threshold, P area A, P area B, ACC/DCC
mode, standby time
0 (fixed)
ACC/DCC mode: Trapezoidal
Stop mode
Stop mode initial value (Parameter no.: 25)
1 (fixed)
E (fixed)
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