8-7-2. Using the USB interface
You may use the USB port of your Personal computer for
communication through the USB interface. Microsoft Windows
2000 or later version operating systems may be used.
To use the USB interface, it is necessary to install the exclusive
device driver and API. For the installation procedures, refer to the
instruction manual of the API.
This driver does not cover the suspension and sleep functions of the
Personal computer. It may fail to demonstrate its full performances
when the screen saver or other application is running.
Please note this.
The USB hub is easily affected by external noises, which may cause
malfunctioning. Utilize self-powered operation as far as possible so
that the communication path is not affected by noises.
1: You may download the instruction manual of the API from the
Texio homepage. Access to: http://www.texio.jp
8-7-3. Using the RS-232C interface
You may use the serial port of your Personal computer or sequencer for
communication through the RS-232C interface. The RS-232C interface
utilizes the CTS-RTS flow for communication control.
If the flow control fails to work properly, some characters may be lost,
resulting in malfunctioning. Please note this.
Note that the cross cables for Personal computers use different flow
control connection and are unusable.