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Chapter 2: Sonoma Editor
edit left. Insert will slice the destination at edit left, place the source there, and ripple any remaining
destination material to the right.
Source Edit Right
When the source contains only edit right and the destination region is smaller, the source is forced
back-timed to be the same length as the destination. Replace and layer will place the source before
the destination edit right. Insert slices the destination at edit right, places the source there, and ripples
any preceding destination material to the left, following the same ripple past midnight preferences
described above.
Four Point Edits
When all four edit cursors are visible each of the linear edit commands behaves differently.
Four Point Replace
A four point replace removes the destination material, inserts the source material at the position of
the destination left edit cursor, and ripples the destination material following the destination right
cursor to the left or the right, depending on the size of the source range. (Ripple left if the source is
smaller than the destination, ripple right otherwise.)
Four Point Layer
A four point layer first trims the source range if necessary (starting at source left), so that it is the
same or shorter than the destination range.
Four Point Insert
A four point insert slices the destination at the destination left cursor, inserts the source material
there, and ripples the material following the destination left cursor to the right.
The ingredient edit control panel can be opened by clicking on its tab or pressing
. This
panel allows you to edit the currently selected ingredient(s). When more than one ingredient is
selected you are changing the entire group of selected ingredients.
The ingredient edit panel is divided into sections. There is a navigation section at the top. The other
sections control the edit points, gains, and fades of all the ingredients in the current selection.
The ingredient edit control panel displays, one at a time, the ingredients in the current selection. If
there is no selection, the fields in the window are blank. The ingredient shown in the panel is called
current ingredient
. If more than one ingredient is selected in the EDL, the four CD-like transport
buttons change the current ingredient, displaying the first ingredient, the previous ingredient (in
time-sorted order), the next ingredient, and the last ingredient. The previous/next buttons wrap
around the ingredients in the selection. The text between these buttons indicates how many
ingredients are in the selection and which one is being viewed.
2.11 The Ingredient Edit Control Panel
Changing the Current Ingredient