Chapter 2: Sonoma Editor
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(Note: the input signal source can be either analog or digital. The source path is controlled by the
hardware configuration. This is described in chapter one of the
Sonoma Audio Workstation
Hardware Installation Guide
. Refer to the instructions for configuring the ADC-8.)
Recording Mode
Recording can only occur while the transport is moving. A
happens when a channel starts
recording, a
when a channel stops recording. These transitions are controlled by changing
the channel recording state using the ready/safe buttons. If you want to punch-in on a single channel,
using that channel’s individual ready/safe buttons is fine; however, this is inconvenient when you
want to punch-in across many channels simultaneously. To solve this problem, there are two
recording modes: triggered and untriggered.
The recording mode is selected by toggling the record trigger item in the record menu, or clicking on
the trigger button in the toolbar.
When the transport is running in untriggered mode the effect of a click on a ready or safe button is
immediate. In triggered mode the effect of such clicks is deferred. When you click on a button to
change the recording state, the button will blink and the state will not change until the red record
trigger button itself is pressed (or the
record trigger command shortcut is given). This allows
you to punch in and out on several channels simultaneously.
Monitor Switching
While making a recording, the monitor source (input or output) for a channel can change when the
transport starts and stops, and when punch-ins and punch-outs occur. The behavior of input/output
monitoring depends on the record signal routing.
Monitor Switching While Recording Channel Input, Monitor Switching Mode
When recording from the inputs, monitor switching is controlled by the monitor switching mode
selected by the user. There are three modes. A mode is specified by choosing the item in the
recording menu. The monitor mode can only be changed when the transport is idle.
1. Normal Monitor Switching
When this mode is selected the monitors are unaffected. When the transport is running all
record-ready channels switch to input on punch-in, and return to their previous state on
punch-out. You can also change the monitoring manually while the transport is running by
pressing the I/O buttons in the channel panel.
2. Auto Input Monitor Switching
When this mode is selected all record-ready channels are forced to input monitor. When the
transport is running all record-ready channels switch to input upon punch-in and stop, and
switch to output upon punch-out. You can also change the monitoring manually while the
transport is running by pressing the I/O buttons in the channel panel.
3. No Monitor Switching (Manual)
When this mode is selected the input monitor state will not change during any of the recording
transitions. You can change the monitoring manually by pressing the I/O buttons in the
channel panel.