P31003-H3560-S403-54-7620, 09/05
HiPath 3000 V6.0, HiPath 5000 V6.0, Provisional Service Manual
Service and Maintenance Tasks
APS Transfer for HiPath 3000 Systems With HiPath Software Manager
The HiPath Software Manager supports, among other things, updates of the system software
(Upgrade Manager) of all HiPath 3000 systems in the same customer network. An update of
the software of installed HG 1500 boards (HG 1500 V3.0 SMR-3 or later) can also be per-
The following options are available under the menu item “Upgrade”:
upgrade all HG 1500 boards and HiPath 3000 systems
upgrade HG 1500 boards (HG 1500 V3.0 SMR-3 or later)
upgrade all HiPath 3000 systems
Note: The file format “*.fli” must be selected for APS transfer using HiPath Software Man-
The software (APS and/or HG 1500) is updated in two steps. First, the new software is loaded
to a system memory known as the "shadow area". This occurs in the background independently
of the system status.
In the second step, the new software version must be made available, in other words, the switch
from the current software version to the new software version must take place. The current soft-
ware is replaced by the software in the shadow area and thus deleted. The changeover can
either be started immediately once the software has been loaded or performed at a predefined
Information about updating the system software and the HG 1500 software using HiPath Soft-
ware Manager can be obtained from the help provided with this tool.
Note: If HiPath Software Manager is not available, the HG 1500 software update must be per-
formed with HiPath 3000 Manager I (up to and including HG 1500 V2.0) or Web-based Man-
agement WBM (HG 1500 V3.0 or later).
For APS transfer using HiPath Software Manager, the HiPath 3000/5000 TFTP server must be
installed on a server in the customer LAN. All HiPath 3000 systems must be able to access this
HiPath 3000/5000 TFTP server over IP. Other TFTP servers cannot be used for HiPath Soft-
ware Manager.
It is important to make sure that the changeover time for a HG 1500 board does not
coincide with the changeover time for the corresponding HiPath 3000, as this can
render the HG 1500 board unfit for operation. The default setting of the HiPath Soft-
ware Manager therefore incorporates a safety margin of 10 minutes between the