P31003-H3560-S403-54-7620, 09/05
HiPath 3000 V6.0, HiPath 5000 V6.0
Provisional Service Manual
determining the required number 2-31
extension modules 3-107
fan kit for HiPath 3550/HiPath 3350
figure 3-108
interfaces 3-109
LAN interfaces 3-110
technical data (resources) 2-24
V.24 interface 3-111
versions 3-107
IMODN 3-50, 12-73
Information on the intranet 1-15
Installation HiPath 3500/HiPath 3300 4-165
grounding the system 4-194
installation in a 19-inch cabinet 4-192
installation site 4-189
installation versions 4-188
procedure 4-166
slots HiPath 3300 4-198
slots HiPath 3500 4-197
tools and resources 4-165
unpacking the components 4-190
visual inspection 4-200
wall installation 4-191
Installation HiPath 3550/HiPath 3350 4-165
attaching ferrite 4-181
attaching the system to the wall 4-174
connecting the cable 4-178
installation site 4-167
MDFU 4-175
procedure 4-166
slots HiPath 3350 4-185
slots HiPath 3550 4-184
system overview HiPath 3350 4-185
system overview HiPath 3550 4-183
tools and resources 4-165
unpacking the components 4-170
visual inspection 4-187
checking the grounding 4-138
connecting the cable 4-139
connection cable BC-EC 4-141
grounding 4-136
installation site 4-130
installing subboards 4-153
loading the system software 4-153
mounting the patch panel 4-135
mounting the system cabinet 4-131
procedure 4-86
removing cabinet covers 4-131
resources, tools 4-85
stripping the open-end cable 4-150
unpacking the components 4-130
visual inspection 4-164
checking the grounding 4-113
connecting the cable 4-114
connection cable BC-EC 4-116
grounding 4-108
installation site 4-89
installing subboards 4-153
installing the Main Distribution Frame
line network, jumpers 4-124
loading the system software 4-153
mounting the seismic anchors 4-106
procedure 4-86
removing cabinet covers 4-94
resources, tools 4-85
setting up system cabinets 4-93
single cabinet 4-95
stabilizer feet 4-99
stripping the open-end cable for MDFU/
MDFU-E 4-122
three cabinets stacked 4-104
two cabinets side by side 4-100, 4-103
two cabinets stacked 4-97
unpacking the components 4-91
visual inspection 4-164