Expanding and Upgrading HiPath 3000
P31003-H3560-S403-54-7620, 09/05
HiPath 3000 V6.0, HiPath 5000 V6.0, Provisional Service Manual
Expanding HiPath 3000
ECR with HiPath 3700, HiPath 3500, HiPath 3300 (not for U.S. and
When installing the system, an ECR in the 19’’ cabinet is required if
emergency battery operation is necessary during a power failure or if the system requires
uninterruptible power.
The necessary batteries are installed in the ECR.
the internal system power supply unit for HiPath 3500 or HiPath 3300 is not sufficient
enough to provide power to the overall telephone configuration (corded or cordless tele-
In this case, the EPSU2-R external power supply unit should be installed in the ECR.
An expansion cabinet rack (ECR) equipped with an external power supply unit
(EPSU2-R) may only be operated if the housing is closed.
Before opening the housing, disconnect the ECR from the power supply by
setting the switches for battery voltage and line voltage on the ECR’s front panel
to "Off".
removing the battery fuse on the ECR front panel and
unplugging all power and connection cables.