Expanding and Upgrading HiPath 3000
P31003-H3560-S403-54-7620, 09/05
HiPath 3000 V6.0, HiPath 5000 V6.0, Provisional Service Manual
Expanding HiPath 3000
If an EPSU2-R external power supply unit is installed in the ECR, the following additional dis-
play and control elements are also included:
EPSU2-R 2.5 A/T [4] battery fuse (warning: do not confuse with battery fuse on the ECR
front panel)
LED [5] for the -48-V output voltage (DC output) in the EPSU2-R (see Table 9-3)
LED [6] for the line input voltage (AC input) in the EPSU2-R (see Table 9-3)
Figure 9-3
ECR Rear Panel With Connecting Elements